Introduction to Earth Observation Course

The 1st Introduction to Earth Observation Course is taking place at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra, promoted in the context of the SmartBasins initiative under the coordination of researcher Vasco M. Mantas.

01 march, 2021≈ 2 min read

The course, aimed at students from the PALOP and Timor-Leste, addresses several theoretical and practical topics, with special emphasis on the use of precipitation data estimated by satellite. In the context of a pandemic, the course was held remotely, with a new edition scheduled for soon. The course culminates with an open webinar (registration required) dedicated to estimated satellite precipitation data, with the presence of NASA researchers.

The SmartBasins initiative aims to promote the use of advanced geospatial tools for resource management and safeguarding lives and environmental conservation. In this context, the training of human resources (free of charge) assumes a central place in the programming of the initiative.