Academic Scholarships

Competition for the Attribution of Research Grants for PhD - 2022

Advanced Training Scholarships

FCT recalls that in this Call for Research Grants for Doctoral Degrees, in addition to applications in all scientific areas and with research work to be carried out in scientific and academic institutions, which must be submitted in the general line in Scientific and Academic Institutions, An application line is also open for research grants whose work plans are totally or partially carried out in non-academic entities, whose applications must be submitted in the specific line for application in Non-Academic Environment.
It should be noted that, however, to be admitted to the specific application line, it is mandatory to indicate at least one non-academic host institution, and to associate at least one member of the guidance team integrated in it. If these requirements are not cumulatively met, the application will not be admitted to the competition.
It should also be noted that each candidate can choose only one line of application, submitting a single application in the competition, under penalty of cancellation of all applications submitted.

(For more information, see the FCT page by clicking here)

Scholarships FRANCE EXCELLENCE EUROPA for a master's degree in France

Developed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and introduced on the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (1 January - 30 June 2022), this "France Excellence Europe" scholarship program allows students from 26 EU countries receive a scholarship for a MASTER at a French higher education institution.


- Payment of a semester scholarship of 6,850 euros;

- Payment of an installation allowance of 1,700 euros;

- Exemption from the payment of tuition fees in universities and public institutions;

- and many other benefits.

Duration of the Excellence Scholarship:

- Maximum of 24 months if enrolled in the first year of the Master (Master 1);

- Maximum of 12 months if enrolled in the second year of the Master (Master 2).


- Be a national of one of the 26 EU Member States (students of French nationality, including those with nationalities, are not eligible);

- Be between 18 and 25 years of age at the time of starting the mobility phase in France;

- Be admitted to a French higher education institution for a Master 1 or Master 2 during the academic year 2022-2023;

- Not receiving an Erasmus+ scholarship or any other scholarship from a French ministry.

Study areas:

- Culture and cultural heritage;

- Education, pedagogy, higher education (teacher training);

- French language and civilization, foreign languages ​​and European studies;

- Health Sciences;

- Environmental Sciences;

- Digital technologies.

Portuguese applicants must send their application documents by email to the following address before March 15, 2022.

Information and applications

Professor Cotelo Neiva Matriculation of Merit Awards

Academic Year 2021/2022

Opening Notice

The Department of Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, with the aim of recognizing the quality and propensity of students for training in Geology at the University of Coimbra, instituted the "Professor Cotelo Neiva Merit Matricles" awards.

Description of Awards:

The Professor Cotelo Neiva Matriculations of Merit Awards distinguish the two students with the highest entry grade in the 1st phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education of the General Contingent in the 1st cycle in Geology, in the academic year 2021/2022 of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, honoring the geologist and scientist Professor Cotelo Neiva.


Candidates for the Professor Cotelo Neiva Matriculations of Merit Awards are students who enter for the first time in the 1st year of the degree course in Geology at FCTUC, in the 1st phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education in the General Contingent, in the academic year 2021/2022.


1st Prize – Payment of the annual tuition fee to the student placed with the highest classification in the academic year 2021/2022;

2nd Prize - Payment of half of the annual tuition fee to the student placed with the 2nd highest classification in academic year 2021/2022;

The rules and general principles for the attribution of the two prizes, indexed to the value of the annual tuition fee of the University of Coimbra, are available here (portuguese version only).

Past edition winners:

Winners of the 2020/2021 edition:

1.º - Ionela Ursachi;

2.º - Carolina Mouchinho Nunes; Francisca Teixeira Prazeres (Ex aequo).

Winners of the 2021/2022 edition:

1.º - Bárbara Martins da Costa

2.º - José Lourenço Mendonça