/ Study at DM

PhD Program in Mathematics

The PhD Program in Mathematics is jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Porto, reinforcing the central role these two institutions have played in the Portuguese mathematical education system. The research units associated to these departments, Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra and Centre for Mathematics of the University of Porto, have both received the highest classifications from the international evaluation panels on recent years.

Main Objective

Graduate education directed for obtaining a PhD degree in Mathematics, giving a broad and advanced knowledge of Mathematics and specialization driven to the creation of novel knowledge in Mathematics.

Scientific Areas

  • Algebra
  • Analysis/Differentiable Equations
  • Numerical Analysis/Optimization
  • Geometry/Topology
  • Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics
  • Probability/Statistics
  • Dynamical Systems


The PhD Program in Mathematics includes a first year of courses. The following years are devoted to research and thesis writing.