/ Study at DM

MSc in Mathematics Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education

The master program in Mathematics Teaching is focused in training basic and secondary school teachers. This MSc degree guarantees professional qualification as a basic or secondary school teacher.

Skills to Acquire

Besides the skills developed in the BSc in Mathematics, this master program should also develop in its trainees the ability to:

  • integrate and operationalize mathematical knowledge directed to teaching;
  • analyse and critically review the mathematical syllabuses of basic and secondary school levels;
  • reflect upon several aspects of teaching at basic and secondary school levels, including social contexts, legislation, grading, planification and organizational aspects of schools;
  • apply psychology knowledge and techniques in scholar environment.


The MSc in Mathematics Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education offered by FCTUC is a 2-year program.

The study programme of the MSc in Mathematics Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education is the following:

1st semester

  • Didactics of Analysis (7 ECTS)
  • Didactics of Geometry (8 ECTS)
  • History of Mathematics (6 ECTS)
  • Psychology of Development and Learning (5 ECTS)
  • School Organization and Classroom Management (4 ECTS)

2nd semester

  • Curriculum Development and Evaluation (5 ECTS)

  • Didactics of Algebra (7 ECTS)
  • Computational Methods in Mathematics Teaching (6 ECTS)
  • Methodology of Mathematics (8 ECTS)
  • Special Educational Needs (4 ECTS)

3rd semester

  • Internship and Report (annual, 48 ECTS)
  • Educational Project I (6 ECTS)

4th semester

  • Internship and Report (annual, 48 ECTS)
  • Educational Project II (6 ECTS)

Admission Requirements

All of the following requirements must be met by the applicant for this master's program:

  1. Holder of a BSc or a legally equivalent degree, according to Law Decree 115/2013 (art. 17, n. 1, items a) to c)), of August 7th;
  2. Have completed at least 120 ECTS in the area of Mathematics;
  3. Obtain approval in a written and oral Portuguese language test.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on the university's site, in addition to the information provided here.

Program Coordination

Jaime Carvalho e Silva

