/ Study at DM

Minor in Sciences of the Space

The Department of Mathematics offers to students of the BSc in Mathematics with Minor or other BSc with Minor of FCTUC the possibility of completing their studies with a minor in Mathematics.

A Minor is a coherent set of five optional courses (30 ECTS) from a scientific area different from the dominant scientific area of the program.

The five option courses in the Minor in Mathematics can be chosen from the following list:

  • Astronomy Elements (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Modern Physics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Geophysics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Geosystems (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Astrophysics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Physics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Celestial Mechanics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Spatial Systems of Positioning and Navigation (semestrial, 6 ECTS)
  • Optics (semestrial, 6 ECTS)

The choice of courses is always bound to approval by the BSc program coordinator.

Skills to Acquire

  • ability to use mathematical models applied to the description of astronomical phenomena;
  • processing of astronomical observational data.