Study at DM


The Department of Mathematics offers degrees in pure and applied mathematics and computer science, with an open mind with respect to other fields. We aim to form mathematicians with comprehensive knowledge and creativity whether they seek for a career as researchers, teachers or in the banking or assurance system or, generally, in any area where interdisciplinary teams might be present.

The Department of Mathematics is also responsible for almost all Mathematics courses taught in the Faculty of Science and Technology, as well as for the courses in the Faculty of Laws and the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Mobility Programs

The University of Coimbra participates in the Program Erasmus+, which allows students of the universities that are part of this program to attend another European university during part of their course. For undergraduate students, the ideal time for this type of exchange is after the 4rd semester. For Master students any time is good, including the possibility of preparing the thesis abroad.
The Program Erasmus+ also offers internship opportunities abroad, before or immediately after obtaining the degree.

The University of Coimbra has mobility agreements with universities in Portugal, in the scope of the Program Almeida Garrett.

For other mobility agreements with universities outside Portugal, please see the International Affairs Division.

Daniel Pinto

Mobility Coordinator

Ivan Yudin

Mobility Coordinator

Career Service

At the Department of Mathematics we believe that the transition and integration of our students into the job market is an essential part of our mission. For this reason, the Department of Mathematics runs a Career Service, allowing students to have a first working experience and prepare them for a better integration in the job market. The cooperation between the Department and Industries and Enterprises from all over the country has made this Career Service a success.

Here is a list of the institutions that have established cooperation protocols with the Department of Mathematics:

  • Montepio Geral,
  • Critical Software,
  • Media Primer,
  • Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra,
  • Serviços Municipalizados de Transportes Urbanos de Coimbra,
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia,
  • Unidade de Controlo de Qualidade de Produtos Farmacêuticos da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra.

The good performance of our students has made it easier for younger students to find a first working position.

José Luis Santos

Internship and Career Opportunities Coordinator

Sílvia Barbeiro

Internship and Career Opportunities Coordinator

Grants and Awards

The University of Coimbra offers its students several possibilities for finding a scholarship or financial support to continue their education.

University of Coimbra Merit Scholarships
These scholarship are offered by Direcção-Geral do Ensino Superior, through the University of Coimbra.
Their stipend is equal to five minimum wages (in Portugal). The call for these scholarships runs between mid November and mid December. Among the students that receive these scholarships we find regularly students of the Department of Mathematics.

Programa Gulbenkian Novos Talentos em Matemática
This program is offered by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. It annually distinguishes university students in Mathematics that show a high academic merit. It is intended to develop mathematical skills and knowledge. This program offers scholarships to the best mathematical students in Portugal. From its origins, it has always distinguished students of the Department of Mathematics.

Award of Merit of the Department of Mathematics
The Mathematics Department of the University of Coimbra annually awards the Award of Merit to up to two students who have been ranked through the National Access application to the Mathematics BSc with a grade greater than or equal than 18.

João Farinha Award
The João Farinha Award is awarded every year by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra to the student who finishes the BSc in Mathematics with the highest final classification.

Renato Pereira Coelho Award
The Renato Pereira Coelho Award is awarded every year by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra to the student who finishes the Master in Mathematics with the highest final classification.

Student Support

Besides excellent working conditions, the Department of Mathematics offers good opportunities for students to fully integrate them in the university's academic life.

This integration is carried through their representatives in the Department Council, one of the directory boards of the Department. There are many opportunities for students to participate in several of the math awareness activities in which the staff of the Department is involved. There are regular Conferences and Colloquiums for students aiming to introduce them to research activities and problems. Finally, there are several activities organized by groups of students: NEMAT - Núcleo de Estudantes de Matemática of the Associação Académica de Coimbra.

The Department of Mathematics runs its own Career Service promoting the integration of its graduates in the job market. Within this Carees Service, young mathematicians who graduated in the University of Coimbra have found job positions in the software industry, banking system, insurance companies, telecommunications, health sector, pharmaceutical industry, among others.

The University of Coimbra maintains a support service to students and former students (currently only in portuguese). This support system offers several specialized support, including the special needs of Disabled Students, Health Care, among others.