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Mathematical Texts

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra edited (until 2019) a collection of texts of advanced level of Mathematics.

Editorial board:

  • Ana Paula Santana
  • Júlio Neves

Published volumes:

Maria Barbero-Liñán, Margarida Camarinha, Raquel Caseiro, Leonardo Colombo, Joana Nunes da Costa (eds.)
13th Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control: three mini-courses
2019, ISBN 978-972-8564-52-0
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E. Gonçalves, P. E. Oliveira, C. Tenreiro (eds.)
Contributions in Statistics and Inference: Celebrating Nazaré Mendes Lopes' Birthday
2015, ISBN 978-972-8564-51-3
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M. M. Clementino, G. Janelidze, J. Picado, L. Sousa, W. Tholen (eds.)
Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology: Special Volume in Honour of Manuela Sobral
2014, ISBN 978-972-8564-50-6
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D. Bourn, N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, M. Sobral
Schreier Split Epimorphisms in Monoids and in Semirings
2013, ISBN 978-972-8564-49-0
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C. Fonseca, S. Furtado, A. Kovačec, C.-K. Li (eds. )
The Natália Bebiano Anniversary Volume
2013, ISBN 978-972-8564-48-3
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J. Cardoso, K. Hüper, P. Saraiva (eds.)
Mathematical Papers in Honour of Fátima Silva Leite
2011, ISBN 978-972-8564-47-6
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J. Bureš, R. Lávička, V. Souček
Elements of Quaternionic Analysis and Radon Transform
2009, 86 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-46-9
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J. Picado, A. Pultr
Locales Treated Mostly in a Covariant Way
2008, 118 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-45-2
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R. Kahle
The Applicative Realm
2007, 192 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-44-5
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O. Azenhas, A. Leal Duarte, J.F. Queiró, A.P. Santana (eds.)
Mathematical Papers in Honour of Eduardo Marques de Sá 2006
2006, 162 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-43-8
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R. Kahle, I. Oitavem (eds.)
Days in Logic '06, Two Tutorials
2006, 78 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-42-1
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R. W. Carter
Cluster Algebras
2006, 45 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-41-4
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Gerhard Jank
Matrix Riccati Differential Equations
2005, 95 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-40-7
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Francis Borceux
Algumas Teorias de Galois dos Corpos e dos Anéis
2004, 182 p., ISBN 2 978-972-8564-39-1
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A. J. G. Bento, A. M. Caetano, S. D. Moura, J. S. Neves (eds.)
The J. A. Sampaio Martins Anniversary Volume
2004, 158 p., ISBN 978-972-8564-38-4
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R. W. Carter
Representations of the Monster
2002, 59 p., ISBN 972-8564-36-8

H. Albuquerque, R. Caseiro, F.J. Craveiro de Carvalho, J. M. Nunes da Costa (eds.)
The J.A. Pereira da Silva Birthday Schrift
2002, 190 p., ISBN 972-8564-35-X

Gudlaugur Thorbergsson
Geometry of Submanifolds in Euclidean Spaces
2001, 32 p., ISBN 972-8564-33-3

A. M. de Almeida, R. Rodrigues
Classificação e Complexidade de Problemas
2001, 46 p., ISBN 972-8564-32-5

E. H. Twizell (Ed.)
Aspects of Computational Bio-Mathematics
(Notes compiled by P. M. Rosa)
2001, ISBN 972-8564-31-7

N. Wildberger
Algebraic Structures Associated to Group Actions and Sums of Hermitian Matrices
2001, 32 p., ISBN 972-8564-30-

O. Martilo
Modern Tools in the Theory of Quasiconformal Maps
2000, 43 p., ISBN 972-8564-28-7

W. Sprössig, K. Gurlebeck
Clifford Analysis and Boundary Value Problems of Partial Differential Equations
2000, 40 p., ISBN 972-8564-27-9

P. Mellon
An Introduction to Bounded Symmetric Domains
2000, 22 p., ISBN 972-8564-26-0

J. Vaillant, J. Carvalho E Silva (eds.)
Opérateurs Différentiels et Physique Mathématique
2000, 206 p., ISBN 972-8564-25-2 .

I. Vaisman
Lectures on Symplectic and Poisson Geometry
(Notes edited by F. Petalidou)
2000, 77 p., ISBN 972-8564-24-4

A. Durán
Symmetries of Differential Equations and Numerical Applications,
1999, 107 p., ISBN 972-8564-11-2

M. Sobral, M. M. Clementino, J. Picado, L. Sousa (eds.)
School on Category Theory and Applications, Coimbra, July 13-17 1999
1999, 162 p., ISBN 972-8564-21-X

M. J. H. Anthonissen, Jan De Graaf
Hopper's Shape Evolution Equation
1999, 70 p., ISBN 972-8564-20-1

A. P. Santana, A. L. Duarte, J. F. Queiró (eds.)
Matrices and Group Representations, Coimbra, May 6-8 1998
1999, 128 p., ISBN 972-8564-19-8

L. von Worlfersdorf
Complex Methods for Boundary Value Problems II
1999, 30 p.

E. Wegert
Complex Methods for Boundary Value Problems I
1999, 26 p.

Rudolf Heersink
Initial Value Problems in Scales of Banach Spaces
1998, 45 p., ISBN 972-8564-16-3

Jan De Graaf
Evolution Equations in Harmonic Function Spaces
1998, 32 p., ISBN 972-8564-15-5

Jan De Graaf
Evolution Equations
1998, 36 p., ISBN 972-8564-14-7

A. P. Mouro, C. Vreugdenhil
Numerical Methods for Advection-Dominated Problems
1998, 75 p., ISBN 972-8564-13-9

B. Banaschewski
The Real Numbers in Pointfree Topology
1997, 94 p., ISBN 972-8564-12-0
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F. A. Oliveira et al. (eds.)
First Meeting on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
Coimbra, September 25-27 1995
1997, 140 p., ISBN 972-8564-10-4

F. C. Carvalho (Ed.)
Dia de Topologia e Geometria, Coimbra, 21/5/96
1996, 49 p., ISBN 972-8564-09-0

James A. Green
Shuffle Algebras, Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups
1995, 28 p., ISBN 972-8564-08-2

P. Mellon
An Introduction to Several Complex Variables
1995, 43 p., ISBN 972-8564-07-4

J. Cnops, H. Malonek
An Introduction to Clifford Analysis
1995, 64 p., ISBN 972-8564-06-6

Walter Bergweiler
An Introduction to Complex Dynamics
1995, 37 p., ISBN 972-8564-05-8

Wolfgang Tutschke
Inhomogeneous Equations in Complex Analysis
1995, 41 p., ISBN 972-8564-04-X

James A. Green
Hall Algebras and Quantum Groups
1994, 23 p., ISBN 972-8564-03-1

James A. Green
Classical Groups
1995, 33 p., ISBN 972-8564-02-3

Eduardo Marques De Sá
Interlacing Problems for Invariant Factors
1998, 44 p., ISBN 972-8564-01-5
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James A. Green
Classical Invariants
1993, 37 p., ISBN 972-8564-00-7

How to purchase

In order to purchase any volume of the collections of the Department of Mathematics contact:

António Gomes (aagomes@mat.uc.pt [Subject: Publicações DMUC])
Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC
EC Santa Cruz
3001 – 501 Coimbra, Portugal

Price per volume
Portugal and other destinations outside the European Union - 12,50 € (included VAT of 6%)
European Union (except Portugal) - 11,79 € (VAT not included)

Shipping rates (per volume)
Portugal - 1,00 € (included VAT of 23%)
European Union (except Portugal) - 2,07 € (VAT not included)
Other destinations - 5,00 € (included VAT of 23%)