
06 may, 2024≈ 4 min read

We don't see all there is. We fit time in hours, minutes, years; distances in centimeters, miles, light years. We invented gods so we don't have unanswered questions. We studied, corrected, measured: we tried. Not everything can be observed, or be perceived in the forms we are accustomed to. No one has ever seen a black hole. The cosmos seems silent, because we don't know how to listen to it. We cannot sensorially understand the dimension of the Universe. We strive to imagine the size of everything, the insurmountable speed of light, things that continue to exist as they tend towards infinity. Somewhere - far beyond the blue we call sky - stars are born and die, black holes are formed, there are small defects almost as old as the Big Bang that still cause waves in space-time, without us noticing. The measures of everyday life can't fit the greatness of the Universe. How do we find a structure in our language that allows us to think about these things? What questions do astrophysics findings place to our anthropocentric way of knowing the world? Ruído is not only a project trying to understand the universe through astrophysics, but also to question the place from where astrophysics develops. While observing the universe, where do we stand? What is objectivity? What images does a scientist use to talk about things that don't seem to fit in our common language? What relationship does the time that we measure and spare have with the time that structures the Universe? How do we separate what we want to hear from all the noise?

Ruído is a project by Noitarder in collaboration with the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetário do Porto - CCV, within the scope of the scientific research and technological development project Probing cosmic strings and other topological defects with gravitational waves (Gwstrings) and Uncovering the nature of cosmic strings (Uncover), led by Lara Sousa.

Planetário do Observatório Geofísico e Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra
8, 9 & 10 May, 21h
More information:
Event with limited capacity
Duration: ≈ 40 min.

idea. Lara Sousa e Raquel S.
artistic direction and text. Raquel S.
researcher. Lara Sousa
production managment. Inês Barbedo Maia / Pé de Cabra
music. José Alberto Gomes
video. Miguel C. Tavares
performer. Maria Inês Peixoto
design. Nuno Matos
sound operation. Ricardo Vieira
production managing support. Mariana Silva / Pé de Cabra
acknowledgements. Centro de Criatividade Digital CCD - Escola das Artes Universidade Católica Portuguesa
production. Noitarder

Project in colaboration with Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço and Planetário do Porto - CCV, in the scope of scientific research and technological development project À procura de cordas cósmicas e outros defeitos topológicos com ondas (PTDC/FIS-PAR/31938/2017 & POCI-01-0145- FEDER-031938). The presentation in Coimbra is support by the R&D project Desvendando a natureza das cordas cósmicas (2022.03495.PTDC).