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European Atlas of Natural Radiation

The European Atlas of Natural Radiation (EANR) presents the current state of knowledge of natural radiation in the European Union, providing background information and describing the various sources of radiation. The Atlas results from a compilation of contributions and reviews received from more than 100 experts from universities, research centres, national and European authorities, and international organisations.

The Laboratory of Natural Radioactivity contributed to the description of the influence of geological factors on the distribution of natural radioactive isotopes (chapter 2.3), to the definition of the methodology to estimate the distribution of terrestrial radionuclides (Uranium, Thorium and Potassium) in geological substrate and in the elaboration of maps of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium concentration in bedrock for the Portuguese territory (chapter 3.4).

Cinelli, G., De Cort, M. & Tollefsen, T. (Eds.), European Atlas of Natural Radiation, Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019. Available at https://remon.jrc.ec.europa.eu/About/Atlas-of-Natural-Radiation.

Articles in scientific journals