/ Research

Laboratory of Computational Geosciences

Pedro José Miranda Costa
Coordinator of the Laboratory of Computational Geosciences

Regulation (pt) of the Computational Geosciences Laboratory

The Laboratory of Computational Geosciences is a support structure of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Its main objective is to support the application and development of innovative high-performance computational approaches in the area of ​​geosciences, actively promoting transdisciplinary between the different scientific areas of the department.

The Laboratory of Computational Geosciences is accessible to professors, researchers and students of the most advanced study cycles of the Department of Earth Sciences.


  • Support for teaching, research and knowledge transfer.
  • Participation in scientific dissemination actions developed in the Department of Earth Sciences.
  • Acquisition, processing and quantitative analysis of large amounts of geological data.
  • Modeling and simulation of geoscience systems and processes.