European Researchers Night 2021

Climate: a disaster never comes alone - Organized by: Earth and Space Research Center (CITEUC ) | Coimbra University

24 september, 2021≈ 2 min read

As part of the European Night of Researchers 2021 event, organized by the Earth and Space Research Center (CITEUC ) | At the University of Coimbra, there will be an online interaction activity with researchers in areas related to the climate of the geological past and the present. In this activity, participants are invited to ask questions to researchers who closely follow the dynamics of climate and ecosystems in a world in constant change. What is the climate emergency and what can we learn from the geological past? Will we enter the sixth mass extinction? And the Portuguese forests, will they change with the climate and can they help to mitigate the effects of the changes induced by humanity? Are our cities prepared to face more intense and frequent heat waves? Come and ask questions that are difficult to answer, but essential for us to adapt in community and with optimism to a new reality. Subject areas: Natural and Environmental Sciences.

For the complete online program, click here.