BIOLOGIA CELULAR E MOLECULAR António José dos Santos Gabriel Avaliação do Sistema Colinérgico na Doença de Alzheimer
Maria Inês Ramalho de Almeida Sousa Metabolic Modulation in Paused-Like Pluripotency
BIOQUÍMICA João Carlos Pinho da Silva High Fructose Feeding and Hepatic Fatty Liver Disease Inflammation: The Role of Intestinal Microbiota
BIOTECNOLOGIA Inês de Sousa Rocha Seed Coating With Microbial Inoculants: A Path to Sustainable Agriculture
ECOLOGIA Cláudia Cecília Caro Vera Analysis and Spatial Mapping of Marine Coaste Ecosystem Services: Integrating Biophysical and Socioeconomic Data at Different Sapatial Resolution Levels
Ramona-Elena Irimia Invasive Species – Ecological and Genomic Approaches Towards Understanding Local Adaptation and Early Stages of Allopatric Speciation
MICROBIOLOGIA Raquel Filipa de Almeida Amaral Diversity, Phylogeny and Pigment Studies of Eustigmatophyceae, A Poorly Known Group of Microalgae