BIOCIÊNCIAS Aida Maria Dâmaso Duarte Meloidogyne Hispanica parasitism genes: molecular and functional characterization
Ana Filipa da Silva Bessa Ecological status and functioning evaluation of sandy beach ecosystems: A macrobenthic community based approach
Ana Lúcia Marques Ramos Translational Regulation Mediated by internal Ribosome Entry Sites of the MTOR and A133P53 Human Transcripts
Ana Maria Sequeira Cardoso Nucleic Acid Delivery Systems: From Biophysics to Biological Activity
Ana Sofia de Jesus Rodrigues

The role of metabolism and mitochondrial function in embryonic stem cells

Carlos Fernando Dias Rodrigues Hexavalent Chromium and Cancer Stem Cells: a view to a kill!
Diogo Alexandre Neves Proença

Role of endophytic microbial community in pine wilt disease

Graciano Silva Leal Regulation of hnRNP A2/B1 and hnRNP K by synaptic activity and BDNF in the hippocampus
Márcio José do Coito Ribeiro Oxidative stress in Huntington's disease knock-in striatal cells
Michelle Stumpf Viegas The role of the endocytic and autophagic molecular machineries in the removal of apoptotic cells
Olímpia Maria Fraga Sobral Variability patterns and genetic determination of the tolerance to metal-rich acid mine drainage by planktonic invertebrates
Patrícia Cristina Moura Martins Lopes Molecular mechanisms involved in glucose and lipid metabolism after immunosuppressive therapy
Thiago Drumond Teixeira Correia Couto Carbon budget in a temperate estuary salt marsh. Influence of temperature increase in carbon sequestration
BIOLOGIA Ana Mafalda de Sousa Molefas Coelho da Gama Global anthropogenic threats in Portuguese streams: ecological effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates assessed at different levels of biological organization
Inês Biscaia de Andrade Barbosa

TRAP1 regulation of mitochondrial homeostasis and cellular quality control

Joana Pedroso de Lima Cabral de Oliveira

Rocky shore macroinvertebrates assemblages as indicators of sewage pollution

Márcio Paulo Simões Baptista

Resveratrol-induced activation of the Sirt1/AMPK axis in human CD4 T cells triggers replicative stress and an ATR-dependent cell cycle arrest

Margarida Nunes Cardoso Persistent organic pollutants in Portuguese estuaries: occurrence and distribution of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs
Marta Isabel Rodrigues Baptista Unraveling the mechanisms of spermicidal activity by surfactants: their potential use as multi-functional compounds
Michelle Stumpf Viegas The role of the endocytic and autophagic moleular machineries in the removal of apoptotic cells
Nuno Fernando da Ascenção Gomes Oliveira

A Flore Portugaise e as viagens de Hoffmannsegg e Link a Portugal (1795-1801)

Nuno Miguel da Costa Pinheiro Meneses Mesquita

Identification and control of fungal contamination in ancient heritage documents

Renata dos Santos Tavares A two-sided tale: the influence of environmental endocrine disruptors and sperm chromatin status on male fertility
Renato Xavier Coelho dos Santos The involvement of mitochondrial fission, fusion and biogenesis and autophagy in the diabetic brain
BIOQUÍMICA Ana Catarina Ribeiro da Graça Fonseca

Loss of proteostasis in brain vascular endothelial cells in an in vitro model of alzheimer's disease

João Miguel Correia Teixeira

Paramagnetic NMR of Proteins to study the Collagenolytic Mechanism of MMP-1

Marta Daniela Passadouro Caetano MicroRNA modulation in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs as a novel therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer
Paulo Alexandre da Costa Gameiro Guerreiro ON the Reprogramming of the Krebs Cycl in Hypoxic and VHL-Deficient Cancer Cells
Rui Gonçalo Baptista Mamede da Cruz New retroviral-like membrane-associated aspartic proteases from rickettsiae: biochemical characterization and specificity profiling
Sandra Marina de Almeida Santos Estudos toxicológicos de materiais nano-estruturados de carbono. Algumas aplicações farmacológicas