Students of the DCT Master's program in Geosciences receive training in a workshop on 'X-ray tomography applied to tsunami deposits'

21 september, 2022≈ 2 min read

Between the 12th and 15th of September 2022, students Beatriz Rodrigues and Ricardo Henriques participated in the workshop ‘X-ray tomography applied to tsunami deposits’ organized by Laboratoire Magmas & Volcans, University Clermont-Auvergne, France.

In this workshop different contents were taught on the application of high resolution image analysis tools to infer sedimentary structures and the mineralogical and microstructural composition of stratigraphic sequences containing deposits of extreme events. The innovative use of these techniques, in the interface with other sciences, has revealed a high potential for paleoenvironmental and sedimentary dynamics interpretation.

Beatriz Rodrigues and Ricardo Henriques are developing a master's thesis on this topic and participation in this workshop is very beneficial for the development of their work.

The students were supported by the project On Off- Coupling onshore and offshore tsunami record: complementary tools for a broader perspective on tsunami event (PTDC/CTA-GEO/28941/2017 & ALG-01-0145-FEDER-028941).

The workshop was led by Dr. Raphaël Paris (Plinius Medal – EGU) and participates in the actions of the NamiLinks project, funded by the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA).