Pedagogical quality - completion of the pedagogical survey to students

27 june, 2023≈ 2 min read

Dear students,

It is taking place until July 5th the fulfillment of the pedagogical survey concerning the curricular units that took place in the 2nd semester.

Up to the defined deadline, whenever you access the Inforestudante you will be invited to fill in the survey, in a serious, honest and responsible manner. It can be filled in at once or in a phased manner, with the possibility of recording the answers given until the complete filling. The completion of the survey can also be postponed, starting it later.

This survey is anonymous and all your contributions are analyzed and used to help identify improvements to be implemented, both immediately and in the future. Therefore, your response is of the utmost importance – for example, based on the results of the pedagogical surveys of previous years, numerous improvement actions were defined and implemented, with some more recent examples compiled here (videos) e here (pdf).

The participation of all students is essential to make an even better UC.

Thank you.