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The Library

The Mathematical Library of the University of Coimbra was founded in 1913, aiming at "giving to professors, assistant professors and students of the Faculty of Science of the University of Coimbra the means of studying and researching in Mathematical Sciences".

Localized on the floor 0 of the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, its facilities include a study room with 79 seats, opened to all library users, and two reading rooms with 28 seats, opened to the Mathematics Department's members and other properly authorized users.

The Biblioteca Matemática holds more than 35000 monographs, mainly of international titles, covering Mathematics, Computer Science and Geodesy, all classified according to the MSC-Mathematics Subject Classification. It also holds about 265 journals on Mathematics and several special collections.

Besides the possibility of on site reading, borrowing and Interlibrary loans, the Mathematical Library gives remote access to its catalogue, as well as to online bibliographic databases, such as MathSciNet, JSTOR, B-ON: Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online, Zentralblatt and others.