Almina S.A. promotes Professional Internship - IEFP (9 months) in the Production area - Mine

11 may, 2023≈ 3 min read

Almina S.A. is currently promoting a Professional Internship - IEFP (9 months) in the area of ​​Production - Mine.

Internship General Conditions:

Internship Advisor: Carina Vicente

Skills Profile:

Education: Degree/Master in Mining/Geological/Geotechnical Engineering

A Bachelor's/Master's degree in this area is oriented towards supporting the broad field of Engineering that deals with the economic use of geological resources.

The specific skills that Engineers are expected to have are:

• Prospect, characterize, explore, treat and benefit natural resources;

• Acting in the domain of conservation and geoenvironmental recovery;

• Use geological characterization and classification methodologies, as well as testing techniques, which allow the supply of geological and geotechnical parameters necessary for the design and dimensioning of geotechnical works;

• Conceive and dimension Galleries in any type of terrain;

• Use methodologies for treating highly altered rock masses;

• Recognize and interpret geological structures and environments from the perspective of Geology and Economics.

Individual Internship Plan:

Goals to achieve:

Know the various areas within the Underground Works Department. Planning, Geology, Rock Mechanics, Topography and Production.

Join the Production Team and understand all the dynamics of the work carried out. Namely Management and planning of Mine Works

Develop the ability to manage teams at the bottom of the Mine

Develop capacity for planning the work of the team at the bottom of the mine.

Develop autonomy and critical spirit.

Description of the Activities to be Developed:

In a first phase, it will monitor the work of the various areas of the Underground Works Department. Planning, Geology, Rock Mechanics, Topography and Production.

In a second phase, it will be integrated into the Production area where it will:

Monitor the Productive Cycle of the Opening of Galleries.

Sizing Drilling Diagrams

Scale Loading Diagrams

Mine Fund Team Management

Planning of works at the Bottom of the Mine

Interested candidates should send CV to: