/ Education / Masters

Master in Informatics Engineering


The Master's in Computer Engineering (MEI) guarantees advanced training in the different areas of Computer Engineering, preparing graduates for leadership, design and development of large-scale projects. The MEI's objectives are to provide its students with excellent skills in four main areas of specialisation: Communications, Services and Infrastructures; Intelligent Systems; Information Systems; and Software Engineering.

These specialisations respond to the intense market demand for professionals with advanced training in industry, services, and research. Students who complete the master's programme will thus be in a position to start a solid career in industry or pursue a PhD.

The MEI is widely recognised in the business world as a master's degree of excellence. Former students are fully employed in the most prestigious national and international companies in various sectors linked to information technologies.

Curriculum Plan

The study cycle consists of 2 years, in which students complete 120 ECTS.
These are distributed as follows:
– 30 ECTS in common core subjects:
18 in Computer Science;
12 in Economics, Management and Social Sciences.
– 66 ECTS in specific subjects in one of the four areas of specialisation:
24 distributed over a set of compulsory subjects in the specialisation;
42 relating to the dissertation/internship.
– 24 ECTS in optional subjects, with the possibility of up to 12 of these ECTS being taken in curricular units from other courses in the Department of Computer Engineering or others at the University of Coimbra (subject to approval by the course coordinator).

See Curriculum ↗

Application Information


1st phase —> 01/03/2024 to 1/04/2024
2nd phase —> 03/06/2024 to 15/07/2024
3rd phase —> 02/09/2024 to 13/09/2024


1st phase —> 5 places
2nd phase —> 110 places
3rd phase —> 5 + remaining places


The MEI operates on a full-time, face-to-face and daytime basis.


UC Students ↗ | Others ↗

Areas of Specialisation

Course Coordination

Pedro Abreu

Tiago Cruz

COORDINATION'S EMAIL —> coord-mei@dei.uc.pt

Additional Information