/ Education / Bachelors

Bachelor in Engineering and Data Science


The main objective of the Degree in Engineering and Data Science (LECD) is to provide the future engineer with the basic foundations for the various areas that make up Engineering and Data Science.

This degree guarantees the training of professionals with a wide range of theoretical knowledge, methods and practical skills that will enable them to continue their studies to more advanced cycles, such as a master's degree or doctorate. However, it also aims to enable them to exercise their profession in contexts that involve the operationalisation of fundamental concepts in the design of solutions to problems of small and medium complexity/scale and support for the implementation of complex solutions, whether in the component linked to Data Engineering or Data Science.

Curriculum Plan

The LECD is a 1st cycle degree course with a duration of 3 years and is organised into 6 academic semesters corresponding to 180 ECTS. The course has a curricular structure that includes a common body of 27 subjects (162 ECTS), an open option curricular unit (corresponding to 6 ECTS) and a project in Data Science and Engineering (12 ECTS).

See the curriculum plan


Engineering and Data Science Roadshow

Application Information


Deadlines defined by DGES.

Special Access for International Students: To be announced soon

Over 23s; Change of Institution/Course Pair Scheme; Holders of a secondary or higher degree: To be announced soon


1st phase -> 40 places


The LECD operates on a full-time or part-time, face-to-face and daytime basis.


UC Student | Others

Informação Adicional

Course Coordination

Marco Simões

João Eduardo da Silveira Gouveia

Coordination email —> coord-lecd@dei.uc.pt

Alcino Lavrador, General Manager, Altice Labs

Tiago Baptista, Chefe de Inteligência Artificial na Critical Software

Paulo Marques, CTO, Feedzai