Monitoring marketing materials and website to ensure they include women students


The Booklet "Strategies for the integration of inclusive/gender-neutral language" was developed within the scope of the Equal.Steam Project - Integrated Programme for the Attraction and Retention of Girls and Women in Higher Education in Technological Areas and Engineering, of the University of Coimbra, and aims to be a useful resource for communication in various formats and in various areas. Starting from a conceptual discussion, examples of application are presented, as well as links to similar documents, official entities and bibliographical references.

Target groups: Higher education students and young researchers.

Objective: To ensure that students from various backgrounds are represented in the marketing materials and websites, respecting the need for an intersectional approach in the management and dissemination of information aimed at them.

Main activities: Monitoring and follow-up of the project's communication tasks.

Team: Cristina Vieira (coordination)​, Ana Santos Carvalho​, Clara Barata​ and Joana Tereso​.