Immersive research experience in STEAM

The Immersive Research Experience activity aims to provide a short observation experience that allows students an opportunity for observation and experimentation in a laboratory and research context, making contact with the demands and time management processes of researchers and thus enhancing their school career and transversal training, in line with the general objective of the project to attract and retain girls and women in higher education, in scientific careers and technological areas. In addition to the opportunity to get started in research, the students will also have a first-person analysis of how women develop their careers and how they reconcile it with their family, personal and social lives in the various research environments at the UC.

The research immersive experiences are free of charge. The students take responsibility for writing a short final report on their experience, which includes a critical evaluation appropriate to the objectives of the Equal.STEAM project.

Date of the immersive experiences
July 17 to July 28, 2023.

Minimum 20 hours (indicated together with the various opportunities)

Target Audience
Students (girls or women) at the University of Coimbra attending bachelor, master or doctoral courses in the STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) or who have completed one of these cycles during this 2022/23 academic year.

Selection Criteria
1) Order of preference;

2) Coursework in STEAM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics);

3) Bachelors or Masters average. If you have not yet completed the course, indicate the average at the date of application.

Imersive Research Experiences Options

Target groups: UC students integrated in several study cycles.

Objective: Introduction to the development of RD&T activities in R&D Units and associated laboratories of the UC group.

Main activities: Internships in research laboratories of the Research and Development Units of the UC.

Team: Ana Santos Carvalho, Cláudia Cavadas, Cristina Albuquerque, Sandra Carvalho and Maria José Marcelino.