Dissemination and communication of the Equal.STEAM project

Durante o tempo de execução do projeto:

  • disseminamos e comunicamos 30 eventos,

  • tivemos cerca de 1500 participantes nestes eventos,

  • fizemos 522 posts nas redes sociais (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn e Twitter)

  • chegamos a 532 seguidores nas redes sociais,

  • chegamos a 265411 pessoas através das redes sociais,

  • o site do Equal.STEAM foi visitado por 15313 pessoas.

Target groups: Teachers, internship supervisors, thesis advisors, mentors, higher education students, internship advisors in a business context and the surrounding community.

Objectives: Communication and dissemination of all project activities to different audiences.

Main activities: Website, social networks, support for events and activities, among other communication activities.

Team: Ana Santos Carvalho (coordination) and Sofia Madeira.