Creation and Production of E-Learning Course on the Gender Dimension

The Equal.STEAM E-learning Course: Gender Dimension in Teaching, Research and Supervision comes within the framework of the Equal.STEAM Project as an output of Activity 2 - Creation/production of e-learning courses on the gender dimension.

This project develops and promotes a set of integrated and inclusive activities and content to promote equity in higher education, contributing to the attraction and retention of girls and women in technological and engineering areas, as well as to the improvement of pedagogical quality and articulation and transition to the labor market.

No. of hours: 15 hours.

Execution period: June 21 to July 14, 2023.

Modality: Totally distance learning.

Communication: Asynchronous without mentoring (autonomous learning of the student). A daily effort of one hour is expected.

Target group: Teachers, internship supervisors and thesis advisors, mentors from University of Coimbra.


From a social responsibility perspective, contents and resources were developed in line with the UC's Plan for Equality, Equity and Diversity. Based on an instructional design that considers a sequential modular structure, the five modules of the course aim to encourage transferable skills and the orientation of supervisors or mentors to promote gender equality. Thus, the design and creation of content and resources that focus on the gender dimension of promoting gender equality and gender justice has been considered.

The contents and resources are aligned with the objectives and were structured according to an instructional design following principles of autonomy and flexibility, also seeking to meet the needs of a teaching-learning that considers the gender dimension.


The course is structured in 5 sequential modules, each with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

  • Module 1- Gender equality and justice;
  • Module 2- Integrated approach to gender in an intersectional perspective;
  • Module 3- Policies and Plan for Equality, Equity and Diversity at UC;
  • Module 4- Gender Mainstreaming in teaching, supervision and mentoring;
  • Module 5- Gender Mainstreaming in research.


This training intersects the active and expository methods, existing, on one hand, an expository work in which the student learns the theoretical contents from texts, videos and resources (didactic and pedagogical resources and bibliographic resources). On the other hand, the student is challenged to put the knowledge into practice by taking self-regulation quizzes. Throughout the modules, intervention/discussion strategies are provided in a classroom context, for practical application in a real context.

Being totally distance learning, communication in this course is asynchronous, and the student will be able to learn the contents and perform the assessment activities at any time (within the course duration), from any place where he/she has access to the Internet. Tutorial support is not planned, since this is a self-study course. An average of one hour of student effort is estimated per day.


The evaluation will be summative and will be based on five tests, one per module.

For certification purposes, students must pass all the proposed activities.



Inês Amaral

Associate Professor

Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra

Sara Dias-Trindade

Assistant Professor

University of Porto and CEIS20

Sílvia Nolan


Distance Learning Center of the University of Coimbra

Scientific Content

Rita Alcaire

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

Edite Carla Fidalgo de Carvalho

Beatriz Simões Lourenço

Training Manager

Portuguese Red Cross

Technical-Pedagogical Support

Maria Celeste Vieira

Técnica Superior - Technical and Pedagogical Consultancy

Distance Learning Center of the University of Coimbra

André Jerónimo

Higher Technician - Design and Multimedia

Distance Learning Unit of the University of Coimbra


E-mail for information:

Video de apresentação do Curso

Target groups: Teachers, internship supervisors, thesis advisors and mentors.

Objectives: Construction of an online learning environment, integrating resources that promote awareness, information and dissemination of teaching tools, discussion and intervention strategies in the classroom, and dissemination of inspiring practices in the field of gender mainstreaming in teaching and learning contexts.

Main activity: E-learning course.

Team: Inês Amaral (coordination), Sara Dias-Trindade and Sílvia Nolan.