Creating Podcasts about Women's Inventions in Engineering, Science and Technology

Activity 11 of the project Equal.STEAM: Creation of Podcasts about inventions by Women in Engineering, Science and Technology developed a series of 10 interviews, recorded as podcasts, with female researchers of the University of Coimbra, from different scientific areas, who contributed and contribute with invention, innovation and knowledge to our society.

These researchers are true models of success for younger women to become familiar with the careers, challenges and visions of these women, and feel the STEAM areas as a possibility for their future. This activity brings a different format to the Equal.STEAM project, while keeping the focus on its major goal of attracting and retaining girls and women in STEAM fields.

The podcasts were recorded in partnership with RUC - Radio Universidade de Coimbra from Associação Académica de Coimbra.


Target groups: Professors, internship supervisors, thesis advisors, mentors, and higher education students.

Objective: To increase the representation of women in engineering, science and technology.

Main activities: Creation of a set of podcasts about women's inventions in engineering, science and technology.

Team: Ana Santos Carvalho (coordination), Cláudia Cavadas​, Irina Moreira​ and Natacha Leite​.