Two PhD student positions

Positions available on Sim2Adapt: Multiscale approaches to improve the application of self-adaptive coatings in low friction mechanical systems (PhD Students)

19 october, 2023≈ 2 min read

Positions available on Sim2Adapt: Multiscale approaches to improve the application of self-adaptive coatings in low friction mechanical systems (PhD Students)

University of Coimbra opened two PhD student positions (duration of the contract planned for 3 years).

The positions will focus on combining numerical and experimental multi-scale approaches to model the contact conditions, to improve knowledge concerning self-adaptive coatings and, consequently, support their controlled application for a wide range of sliding contact conditions. The fellowships will be involved in the execution of the following tasks:
(i) Feature extraction and metamodeling of TMD-base systems;
(ii) Wear track mapping, including the study of the selected coating against softer and
(iii) Development of contact mechanics multiscale models for self-adaptive coatings.

The research work will be carried out at CEMMPRE and LED&Mat (IPN).
Necessary qualifications: Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Data Science and Engineering, Industrial and Management Engineering, Civil Engineering or Materials Engineering, and enrolled in a Ph.D. course or enrolled in a course not conferring an academic degree, with interest in numerical modeling.

Deadline: 30 October 2023

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