Join UCCCB at Coimbra IS’23: 28 and 29 September 2023

28 september, 2023≈ 2 min read

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that the UCCCB – University of Coimbra Bacteria Culture Collection ( is present at the vibrant Coimbra Invest Summit (Coimbra IS’23) ( This exciting event is set to unfold on the 28th and 29th of September 2023 at the historic Convento São Francisco in the heart of Coimbra, Portugal. The primary objective of this summit is to firmly establish Coimbra on the radar of investors and bring together the region’s vibrant and dynamic ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

UCCCB, as a University of Coimbra prominent technology and service platform, will proudly represent itself on the UC Business stand. We cordially invite you to seize this unique opportunity to explore in person our extensive catalogue of valuable bacterial strains, each harbouring immense potential for both research and industrial applications. Furthermore, we invite you to discover the breadth of our services and engage in meaningful conversations about how we can tailor our offerings to match your requirements.

At UCCCB, we have the indispensable tools for fostering sustainable bio-development, and we wholeheartedly invite you to visit us and witness these tools in action. We look forward to seeing you.