/ Research

Portuguese Observatory of Health Systems

The OPSS is composed by a network of researchers and academic institutions dedicated to study of health systems and produces an annual summary document of the evolution of the Portuguese health system – the Primavera Report – whose purpose is to provide all those who can influence health in Portugal with an accurate, periodic and independent analysis of the evolution of the Portuguese health system and the factors which determine it.

The main objectives of the OPSS are:

  • to prospectively analyse, in an independent way from the pressure groups associated with the Portuguese health system, its evolution over time;
  • make this analysis easily accessible to all interested parties;
  • to constitute and continuously improve a knowledge base on health management and policies, in order to stimulate health system analysis and research on health services;
  • strengthen working relationships with other similar European institutions and projects.

The OPSS does not take position on health policy agendas. Rather, it seeks to objectively analyse what happens in the health system, from governance processes to the action s of the main health actors, gathering the evidence which supports these processes, actions and their results.

The institutions that currently constitute the OPSS are the following:

Institute of Public Health
University of Porto

Henrique Barros
Centre for Health Studies and Research
University of Coimbra

Pedro Lopes Ferreira
Vitor Raposo
National School of Public Health
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Julian Perelman
Paulo Sousa
Faculty of Farmacy
University of Lisbon

Filipa Duarte-Ramos
João Gonçalves
University of Évora
Manuel Lopes