General States - Safeguarding and Transforming the NHS (Aveiro)

On 29 June, the 8th General States conference - Transforming the SNS, will be held at the School of Health of the University of Aveiro.

03 june, 2024≈ 3 min read

The 8th Conference of the States General - Safeguarding and Transforming the SNS will be held in Aveiro, on 29 June at the Joaquim José da Cunha Auditorium, in partnership with the School of Health of the University of Aveiro.

The central theme of the VIII Conference is Local Health Strategies (see the session framework here).


  • In 2024, the ‘big bang’ of local health units (LHU) was unleashed. A massive reorganisation of NHS services into LHU. But it seems clear that the LHU will have to go far beyond simply merging the administration and management of a heterogeneous set of organisations, with a great diversity of teams and professions. Especially when they bring with them deep-rooted ways of seeing, thinking and acting that are very different from each other.
  • Under certain conditions, LHU can facilitate coordination, integration and continuity of care for people. However, this won't just happen by creating LHU. Complex and laborious processes of connective leadership and cultural and organisational transformation will be required.
  • The main challenge for LHU is to be able to turn ‘outside themselves’. To their humanist and population-based mission, to the communities they serve and to the purpose of protecting and promoting their health and well-being. This process requires strategic planning and integrated health governance, based on the multidimensional concept of local health strategies.
  • A change of such complexity and scope requires a well-planned, systematic and ongoing programme of training and continuous formative evaluation of all the leaders involved.

See the provisional programme here.

Registration is free but mandatory via the following link:

The first 7 conferences, their programmes, discussions and summaries can also be consulted in the designated area of the NHS Foundation's website: