CIBB meeting 2023

07 december, 2023≈ 1 min read

Date: December 20th, 2023
Time: 8.30AM-8.30PM
Location: Central Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, polo III

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you for our upcoming CIBB meeting, an event that promises to be a unique opportunity for scientific gathering and knowledge exchange. We are looking forward to seeing all of you there. The event is dedicated to the CIBB community.

The meeting will feature discussions on several important topics and core CIBB research areas: Neuroscience, Metabolism and Innovative Therapies. The program will cover as well topics as Science Communication and Innovation/Technology Transfer. The program will also include showcase of high-quality ongoing research projects at CIBB.

The agenda for the day includes inspirational talks by renowned experts and interactive discussions on emerging topics:
- Luísa V. Lopes, IMM (Neuroscience and Disease);
- Joana Lobo Antunes, IST (Science Communication);
- Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, Champalimaud Foundation (innovative Therapies);
- Cláudio Franco, CBRC (Metabolism, Aging and Disease);
- Rodrigo Santos, Novo Holdings (Inovation).

The program also includes presentations of ongoing research at CIBB and networking opportunities.
We hope you'll join us in making this meeting a success and a rewarding experience. We look forward to your participation in making this event memorable.

The program is available here. The registration is now closed.

The organizing committee of the CIBB meeting 2023,

Cláudia Pereira, Irina Moreira, John Jones, Lino Ferreira, Luísa Cortes, Luís Ribeiro, Quan Zhang, Raquel Santiago, Sara Varela Amaral & Tânia Marques