
since its fundation to the present time...

The Center for Health Studies and Research (CEIS) was founded in 1997 as a research unit of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). Since 2000 it is a non-profit private association, with the University of Coimbra as its host institution and changed its name to CEISUC — Centre for Health Studies and Research of the University of Coimbra, keeping its headquarters in FEUC facilities.

On May 25 th 2007, CEISUC signed an agreement with the University of Coimbra for implementation of the resolution No. 31/2004 (June 2) of the Senate of the University and, on November 26th 2010, it became a member of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra.

It is a scientific institution developing research in the field of applied health economics and health systems/services, with a special focus on the Portuguese system, and marked by a transdisciplinary approach.

Its main goals are to boost health economics research, participating in networks and national and international research projects and collaborating, upon conclusion of protocols, with health care institutions or other organizations interested in the development of health economics. The privileged research areas are, currently, health systems, health related quality of life, health satisfaction assessment, the assessment of technologies and training.

Mission and Values

that guide us...


To foster and develop research on health systems and services, particularly the Portuguese, and the dissemination of knowledge and the evidence to support the best practices of governance in health.


To become a national and international reference in the area of research and knowledge in health systems and services.


To contribute for the consecration of the universality of health care, that ensures:

  • Equity
  • Effectiveness
  • Safety
  • Efficiency
  • Timeliness
  • Focus on citizens


  • To motivate: generating purpose and optimism for change
  • To generate results: providing methods, tools and data that propitiate and spread knowledge and the resulting change
  • To innovate: inventing new solutions, always within the framework of the utmost academic and scientific rigour


  • Focus on Health – our commitment is to help raise the level of citizen’s health
  • Independence and transparency – our work is immune to motivations other than the strictly scientific and academic ones, with a view to supporting better governance in health
  • Unity of knowledge: CEISUC is an organization with common systems and shared knowledge, where the work is developed in multidisciplinary teams