
  • Student assessment in each 1st year curricular unit of the course is subject to the periodic assessment regime, based on the completion of written and/or oral work, with variable assessment weights according to the curricular unit forms and the adaptations that teachers can do each academic year. For more information, consult the course syllabus on the UC page and the general information of the curricular unit in Inforestudante.
  • Course students have weekly tutorial assistance, provided by the course coordinator, at an hour to be designated annually.
  • By the beginning of the 4th semester, students must begin the thesis registration process, in accordance with the rules established in the “Academic Regulations of the University of Coimbra”, filling out the thesis topic registration form and the acceptance term of the advisors. This process includes the delivery of a thesis project and its summary (signed by the students and supervisors), accompanied by the supervisors' brief CV (maximum 5 lines).
  • The thesis project will be subject to public discussion, which will take place in the first months of the 4th semester.
  • Thesis supervision must be provided by a minimum of two supervisors, from different scientific areas.

One of the supervisors must be an integrated CEIS20 researcher.