Training & Outreach

This section presents the ongoing academic development programmes offered by CEIS20. In particular, we would like to highlight the PhD programme in Contemporary Studies, which explores the relationships between intentional acts of human creation, the influences and conditions on which natural or artificial environments depend, and the complex systems resulting therefrom. In addition, we offer the Post-Doctoral Programme, which is designed to broaden academic horizons after the completion of a previous degree. The Outreach Activities section invites all researchers to involve civil society in their research and to generate and disseminate scientific knowledge in bilateral relations.

PhD in Contemporary Studies

Study the uncertainties of contemporary complexity.

The Doctorate in Contemporary Studies (DEC) positions itself as a reservoir of knowledge and scientific, methodological, and pedagogical practices capable of addressing the uncertainties of contemporary complexity. To achieve this, it provides an intensive environment for the promotion and creation of interdisciplinary knowledge, fostering the study of complex processes and systems inherent in the relationships between the domains of Humanity, Society, and the Artifact (both material and immaterial), framed within the interactive transformations of time, nature, and the environment.

As a fundamental vector of CEIS20's scientific project, the DEC is realized through the study of the relationships between the intentional acts of human creation, the influence and conditioning of natural or artificial environments, and the resulting complex systems. It cultivates the investigation of interconnected knowledge, grounded in critical and inclusive thinking, bringing together a vast and distinguished faculty and researchers with a marked international profile.

The DEC produces and disseminates scientific knowledge capable of promoting and structuring technological solutions that address the inherent needs of contemporary complexity.

Post-Doctoral Studies

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) is a Research Unit of the University of Coimbra, affiliated with the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (IIIUC) and funded since 1998 by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The Center is organized into research structures and dynamics that frame the scientific activities carried out by its researchers. One of its missions is the development of scientific research in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts. In this context, CEIS20 aims to incorporate national and international postdoctoral research and projects into its research activities.

CEIS20 has hosted Post-Doctoral projects under the guidance of integrated researchers within the Center's scientific strategy.


As part of the four interdisciplinary axes of the Centre, the outreach activities developed at CEIS20, such as the prominent “CEIS20 Fora de Portas” project, aim to commit our R&D units to the promotion and democratisation of knowledge, greater proximity to the surrounding communities, quality education, gender equality and the reduction of asymmetries in the construction of a fairer, more inclusive and reflective society.

Specifically, “CEIS20 Fora de Portas” is part of the outreach activities of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra (CEIS20-UC) and is aimed at schools and formal and non-formal educational contexts (senior citizens’ universities, civic, leisure and cultural associations, prisons, etc.). “CEIS20 Fora de Portas” aims to promote the dissemination of the knowledge produced at the Centre, including in the fields of humanities, social sciences and the arts, through the sharing of the work of its researchers in these formal and non-formal educational contexts. It also aims to stimulate critical debates on the major challenges facing contemporary societies.