Third session of the cycle of seminars | 26 May | 14:30 | Online

This third session of the Cycle of Seminars on Memory, Trauma and Narratives of the Self – 2nd Edition will take place on 26 May 2022 at 14:30, exclusively online (Zoom).

This session will cover topics such as refuge, trauma, identity and integration, under the motto “Refugees’ traumatized selves. Identities, remembrance and the challenges of integration”.

Susan Rottmann (Özyeğin University) will present a paper on “Home and Heritage: Agency and Resistance in Integration Processes for Syrian Migrants in Turkey” and Elsa Peralta (CEC, University of Lisbon) will present a paper entitled “Decolonisation migrations: forced, coerced or voluntary returns?”.

The Portuguese Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) will also participate in this session, represented by Nuno Costa Jorge and Rosário Suárez Nelson, who will present a paper entitled “Acompanhamento e Reconciliação, Resiliência e Trauma” (Accompaniment and Reconciliation, Resilience and Trauma).

The session will be held in Portuguese and English.

Registration is free, but you are required to fill in this form.
For more information, see the Seminar website.

Edmundo Balsemão Pires (CEIS20)
Joana Ricarte (CEIS20)
Cláudio Carvalho (U. Porto)