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Scientific Recognition Awards

Ana Mafalda Frias Neves

Best Paper Award, with the presentation of the poster entitled “Fenómeno NEET Phenomenon and School Work Transition Dynamics” – 3rd Doctoral Exhibition in Education Sciences of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra (2 November 2021)

Ana Margarida de Oliveira Capelo

BPI Solidarity Prize awarded by BPI/ Fundação “la Caixa”

Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos Maculan

Best GT3 paper presented at the XXI ENANCIB, ANCIB and IBICT, 2021.

Isabel Cristina Ferreira Neves Baltazar

Medal of Honour of the Municipality of Tomar, 1 March 2021.

João Carlos Aguiar Macedo Teixeira

Teixeira, J. C., Publication Excellence Award Winner - University of Adelaide | Environment Institute

João Luís Romeira de Sousa Guerreiro

Guerreiro, João de Sousa - Maria José Moura Prize for Young Professionals, BAD

José Manuel Morgado Pereira

Pereira, J.M., Joaquim de Carvalho Prize, awarded for “Psychiatry in Portugal in the early decades of the 20th century: Protagonists”. I.U.C., 2020.

a) National; b) University of Coimbra.

José Pedro Cerdeira Coelho e Silva

Cerdeira, J. P. (2021). 3rd place in the regional competition for co-creation and innovation projects (sponsored by CCISP and DEMOLA Global), with the presentation of a project entitled “Craving for the good life & comfort", developed by a team of teachers and students in partnership with the company Indutechpro.

Julião Soares Sousa

Sousa, Julião Soares, Merit Diploma awarded by the Amílcar Cabral Foundation (Praia-Cabo Verde), 20 January 2021

Lígia Borges da Silva

UC Merit Scholarship for the 2019/2020 academic year, awarded by UC.

Mário Djalme Montenegro Araújo de Castro Neves

Montenegro, Mário, Santander-UC Pedagogical Innovation Award 2020/21, awarded by the University of Coimbra (2021)

Sara Marisa da Graça Dias do Carmo Trindade

Dias-Trindade, S., “Promoção da Cultura Científica 2021” - Projeto "Caixas para quê? O Saber está por todo o lado!”. Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Coimbra

Susana Mendes Costa da Silva

Mendes Silva, Susana – The work “Como Silenciar uma Poeta” (2020) was selected and acquired by the Portuguese State Collection of Contemporary Art.

Victoria Bell

Bell, Victoria, Best poster, Estrada Nacional 2 do Conhecimento, Figueira da Foz, 16 to 18 October 2021, Portuguese Association of Healthcare Pharmacists.

Xosé Iván Villarmea Álvarez

Villarmea Álvarez, I., The María Luz Morales Audiovisual Essay and Video Essay Prize of the Galician Audiovisual Academy, awarded in the category of best essay on audiovisuals for the text “Barcos ao garete. Formas de esperanza radical no cinema da austeridade” [a) national prize in Galicia; b) awarded by another entity, the Galician Audiovisual Academy]