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Scientific Recognition Awards

Luís Reis Torgal

Barbosa de Melo Prize, Parliamentary Studies, for the work “Regionalism and autonomy. The cases of the Azores and Madeira from the origins of the constitutional debate”. Co-authored with Carlos Cordeiro and Fernando Tavares Pimenta. November 2018.
Álvaro Garrido Almirante Teixeira da Mota Award from the Navy Academy, for the book “As Pescas em Portugal”, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. March 2019.
Cristina Pinto Albuquerque Best Oral Presentation at the International Congress Let's Talk about Aging. October 2018.
João Rui Pita
  1. José Mariano Gago Prize for Scientific Dissemination, for the collection of 30 volumes of “Pioneer Works of Portuguese Culture”, coord. by Carlos Fiolhais and José Eduardo Franco. He was part of the collection's authorial team, with volume 22 “First Writings on medicine, pharmacy and nursing”.
  2. Farmacopeia lusitana/ Caetano de Santo António, with A. Moutinho Borges and Luís Gonzaga Ribeiro. The Collection published under the auspices of the University of Coimbra and the Open University and with the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation and the National Library. May 2018.

Sílvia Parreiral

Sílvia Parreiral, (co-RI) of Projeto Letras Prá Vida, nomination for the UNESCO Confucius Literacy Prize, by the UNESCO National Commission and the European Association for Adult Education. June 2018.