
The journal Estudos do Século 20th accepts works, in the form of scientific articles or bibliographic reviews, that meet the themes of each issue.

Those interested in collaborating should send by email, to, indicating the provisional title of the work, a summary that must have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 500 words, accompanied by a biographical note (including name, academic degree and institution where it was obtained, affiliation and full institutional address, telephone/fax number, e-mail and up to 5 recent publications). In the case of articles, interested parties must also specify the thematic line in which they intend to include them.

Interested parties will be notified of the acceptability of their work, and must send the complete texts in digital format, by email to

Collaborations must be original and unpublished, and cannot have been submitted for consideration for publication in other journals.

Texts may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, and must be processed in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman type, size 12, space and a half, (with the exception of long quotations and footnotes, which must be size 10, single spaced).

Scientific articles must have up to 50,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes and final bibliography) and be accompanied by a summary of up to 200 words and five keywords, in Portuguese, English and French. In case of difficulty on the part of the author, the magazine's management will be responsible for having it translated into foreign languages. If the indicated limits are exceeded, the articles will not be accepted.

All contributions submitted for consideration will be subject to the journal's peer review process. The final decision on the publication of texts is the responsibility of the coordinator of each issue of the magazine, after considering the opinions of peers (referees). The opinions and decisions made on the works received will be communicated to the respective authors.

References in the final bibliography and citations must comply with Portuguese Standard 405-1 (1994) and updates. Items that do not comply with the standards will be returned.


Reference from a book
WINOCK, Michel – The Century of Intellectuals. 1st ed. Lisbon: Terramar, 2000. 747 p. ISBN 972-710-280-8.

Reference from a book by several authors
MERRILLS, J. G.; ROBERTSON, A. H. – Human Rights in Europe: a study of the European Convention on Human Rights. Lisbon: Instituto Piaget, 2003. 381 p. ISBN 972-771-679-2.

Quotation from a work previously mentioned
WINOCK, Michel – The Century..., p. 72-74. or Idem, ibidem, p. 72-74.

Reference of an article/chapter in a collective work
SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Luis – “Portugal and Castilla–León: of united destinies”. In TORRE GÓMEZ, Hipólito de la – España and Portugal. Siglos IX-XX: Historical experiences. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis, 1998. ISBN 84-7738-616-1. P. 23-46.

Reference from a magazine/newspaper article
DOWTY, Alan – “The Past and Future of Israel”. 20th Century Studies. Coimbra: IUC. ISSN 1645-3530. No. 8 (2008) p. 27-40.

Citation of electronic document

Magazine article
TORGAL, Luís Reis – “The University between Tradition and Modernity”. Intellectus Magazine [Online]. Vol. I. (2008). [Consult. August 27, 2010]. Available on WWW: <URL:>. ISSN 1676-7640.

MACHIAVELLI, Niccoló – The Prince. [In line]. Trans. W. K. Marriott; ed. Randy Dillon. Texas: Veroglyphic Publishing, 2009. [Consult. August 27, 2010]. Available on WWW: <URL:>. ISBN 1442131195.