23 and 30 September | Largo da Portagem and Praça 8 de maio

The research team of the CEIS20 exploratory project REPROGRAM-EU: fostering inclusive values, identities and policies through participatory cultural programming in the European Union, will participate in the European Researchers' Night (ERN) with a participatory play developed around themes related to inclusion, belonging, values and identities, held this Friday, 23 September at 16:00 in Largo da Portagem (next to the Briosa patisserie) and on 30 September from 17:00 to 0:00 in praça 8 de Maio opposite the Church of Santa Cruz.

REPROGRAM-EU (deliberately a homophone in English for “reprogramme yourself”) will carry out an exploratory research to analyse how young Europeans relate to the European Union (EU) and to test an intervention model within the Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Action, to counter the current rise of extremism on the continent through creative and participatory cultural programmes. Using Portugal as a case study, the research will collect original translational data on European youths’ views on the values and policies that characterise the Union, as well as their correlation with feelings of (dis)identification with the group.

See the NEI 2022 programme.