11 May | 17:00 | Black Box at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon

Nuno Coelho (Integrated Researcher at CEIS20) has co-coordinated the book "descobri-quê?", which will be launched on 11 May 2024 at 17:00 at the Black Box of the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon.

"descobri-quê? is a co-production between Estrutura and the D. Maria II National Theatre, as part of the Odisseia Nacional programme. It brings together the text of the show of the same name and a series of critical texts written by Cátia Pinheiro, Dori Nigro and José Nunes (co-creator and co-producers of the show), Cristina Roldão, Joyce Souza, Mamadou Ba e Marta Araújo.

The show "descobrir-quê?" was presented at the CCB from 8 to 12 May, with sessions for schools and the general public, before travelling to Coimbra, where it will be presented at the TAGV on 23 May.