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“Symbiosis and epigenetics: ‘bridges’ for a unified biology?”

21 july, 2023≈ 2 min read

Issue 10 (2022) of the Synergies Portugal journal, which includes the article “Symbiosis and epigenetics: ‘bridges' for a unified biology?” by associate researcher João Maia, a member of Group 1 – History, Memory, Public Policies, is now available

“For a long time, the study of the evolution of species has emphasised the acquisition of random mutations. This article seeks to establish a unified concept of biology, taking into account an epistemological paradigm shift. In this context, the relationships of association and symbiosis between species and epigenetics could be the ‘bridges’ to support such a concept. However, the approach to the specificity of human behaviour is problematic in this respect. Our species has developed characteristics that threaten the homeostatic balance of nature, which could represent a point of rupture with the rest of the ecology.”

Click here to read the full article.