Latest Publications

OSC-Qasm: Interfacing Music Software with Quantum Computing

CEIS20 researcher publishes in a Springer volume

02 june, 2023≈ 2 min read

As part of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (Part of EvoStar), Omar Costa Hamido, integrated researcher of Group4 – Artistic Currents and Intellectual Movements, co-authored the article “OSC-Qasm: Interfacing Music Software with Quantum Computing”, which explores at the potentially fruitful link between programming software and artistic creation.

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OSC-Qasm is a cross-platform, Python-based, OSC interface for executing Qasm code. It serves as a simple way to connect creative programming environments like Max (with The QAC Toolkit) and Pure Data with real quantum hardware, using the Open Sound Control protocol. In this paper, the authors introduce the context and meaning of developing a tool like this, and what it can offer to creative artists.
