
Doctoral Programme in Contemporary Studies accredited by A3ES

19 december, 2022≈ 2 min read

© Cláudia Morais

The Doctoral Programme in Contemporary Studies of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20, within the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra, has been unconditionally accredited by the Agency for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education for a period of six years, effective from 31 July 2019.

The A3ES External Evaluation Committee states that “The Doctoral Programme in Contemporary Studies proposed by the University of Coimbra is of unquestionable relevance and importance in the educational offer of the UC and the region, in addition to the dialogue with other higher education institutions and national and international research activities. Its institutional conditions and academic and scientific framework are appropriate. We highlight the context provided within and by the UC’s Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.”

A number of changes have been made to this PhD curriculum, in particular in the main secondary scientific area of the study cycle, which is now the cross-cutting area of Humanities; the introduction of a new curricular unit in “Research Methodologies and Interdisciplinarity in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences”; the deepening of scientific areas with the creation of the curricular units “Education in Contemporary Society” and “Communication, Media and Social Transformations”; and, finally, the curricular unit “Monitoring and Scientific Development Seminar” has been streamlined and better supervised.

This accreditation is the crowning moment of an evaluation process that began in 2019 with the visit of the A3ES External Evaluation Committee in June 2021 and ended last October.

For more information about the course, please visit the CEIS20 Doctoral Programme in Contemporary Studies webpage.