iiiUC Training Session – Tools to support Research dedicated to the topic: Introduction to Github, project management, and collaborative work.

This session will take place on February 29, 2024, at 2:30 pm, in an online format and guided by CEIS20 integrated researcher, Omar Costa Hamido (Marie Skłodowska-Curie PostDoc Fellow – CEIS20), belonging to Group 4 – Artistic Practices: Imagination, Materialities, Transitions . It also features the participation of Carolina Travassos (Student of the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) and Bruno Direito (Researcher at the Center for Informatics and Systems at the University of Coimbra, CISUC) on collaboration and project management using GitHub.

GitHub is one of the leading online open access code hosting platforms. Thanks to file versioning and repository management tools, project management becomes transparent. In this practical, from-scratch workshop, the basic tools and workflow on Github are introduced, which allow programmers and non-programmers to collaborate online and in open access.

This training is in Portuguese.

Registration is free, but mandatory.

More information on the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research website.

Watch (or review) the session in full on YouTube.