23 November | 11:00 - 13:00 | Seminar Room, CEIS20

Considering Europe’s future in an uncertain and unpredictable world is a complex but necessary exercise. To do this, but also to gain a better understanding of the populations, policies and other contemporary dynamics of the European continent, we need an ongoing and open dialogue between scientific fields, languages and perspectives that are different but complementary.

This is the purpose of the “Trust and Fear in Contemporary Europe” cycle, which focuses on a specific theme in each edition. The theme of this year’s event, “Asylum in the EU: challenges and research agendas in perspective”, brings together national and international postgraduate students from different disciplines working on the issue of asylum in the European Union, with the aim of analysing scientific production and considering the objectives and challenges for the future of research in this area.

Admission is free.


Da proteção temporária ao Estatuto do/a Refugiado/a: a ‘aporia dos direitos humanos’, no Sistema Europeu Comum de Asilo (From temporary protection to refugee status: the ‘human rights aporia’ in the Common European Asylum System)
Emellin Oliveira, PhD student – Nova School of Law, CEDIS, Nova Refugee Legal Clinic.

• ¿Asilo para quién? Barreras a la protección internacional en la Unión Europea
Sara Carrasco Granger, PhD student and Research Fellow – Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Research Intern na FLUC.

O papel da Frontex na securitização das fronteiras europeias (The role of Frontex in the securitisation of European borders)
Vitória Totti Salgado, Postgraduate Programme in International Relations ‘San Tiago Dantas’ (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP), Research Fellow, Escola de RI - Getulio Vargas Foundation

• Europeização da Política de Asilo através de externalização? (Europeanisation of Asylum Policy through Externalisation?)
Natacha Rodrigues, Master’s student – European Studies, FLUC

Moderator: João Luís Fernandes (FLUC/CEIS20)

Scientific organisation: Dina Sebastião (FLUC/CEIS20), Vanda Amaro Dias (FLUC/CES)

Organisation: CEIS20 – Europeanism, Atlanticity and Globalisation Group
CES – UC Centre for Social Studies
Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts, Faculty of Arts, UC.