17 and 18 November | FLUP

CEIS20 researcher João Maia will be one of the plenary speakers at this meeting, with a paper entitled “O pós-humano no cinema 'realista'” (The posthuman in ‘realist’ cinema). He will also be moderating other panels at the event, which aims to discuss issues related to posthumanism and transhumanism in contemporary times.

See the programme or find out more on the event website: https://posthum3n.ilcml.com/pt/


The normative anthropocentric perspective is increasingly being replaced by a more relational approach in which the subject-object relationship is seen as emerging from a co-constitutive process. Insofar as this radical change calls for alternative ways of thinking about humanity and its environment, this conference aims to contextualise the cultural and philosophical implications of such developments and to test the hypothesis that the decentring of the human, evident in posthumanism, provides a new paradigm that speaks to us in an inspiring way about the immediate present and the imminent future.