19 November, Amphitheatre III (FLUC)

The International Colloquium “From Versailles to Wall Street (1919-2008)” will analyse the dynamics and key moments of the two post-war periods, and the dynamics of neo-liberalism.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 19 November in Amphitheatre III of the Faculty of Arts, University of Coimbra.


09:30 | Opening Session

09:45 | Opening Conference

“Benito Mussolini, the first modern dictator: child of Italy's war?”

  • Richard Bosworth (Jesus College, Oxford)

Moderator: Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20-UC)

10:45 | Coffee break

11:00 | Working session “From the aftermath of the First World War to the aftermath of the 2nd World War” – Part I

  • “History as a laboratory: the experience after the First World War”, João Paulo Avelãs Nunes (DHEEAA-FLUC and CEIS20-UC)
  • “Empires and their discontents between the wars”, Pedro Aires Oliveira (IHC-NOVA FCSH)
  • “From war economy to peace economy. Crisis and reconstruction after the Second World Ward”, Maria Fernanda Rollo (IHC-NOVA FCSH)

Moderator: Dina Sebastião (CEIS20 and FLUC)

13:00 | Lunch break

14:30 | Working session “From the aftermath of the First World War to the aftermath of the 2nd World War” – Part II

  • “Health and fraternity. Some political and social literature of the First Republic”, Sérgio Neto (CEIS20-UC)
  • “Transition and revolution in the post-Second World War international order (c.1945-c.1955)”, Fernando Martins (University of Évora)

Moderator: Julião Soares Sousa

15:45 | Coffee break

16:00 | Sessão de trabalho “The aftermath of the 2008 crisis”

  • “Capitalism in Portugal after the end of history: the dynamics of embedded neoliberalism”, João Rodrigues (FEUC and CES)
  • “The sovereign debt crisis and the challenge for supranational social democracy. There is no alternative(?)”, Dina Sebastião (CEIS20-UC and FLUC)

Moderator: Sérgio Neto (CEIS20-UC)

17:00 | Closing conference

  • Paulo Morais (Portucalense University – Porto)

Moderator: César Rodrigues (CEIS20-UC)

The event was organised by César Rodrigues, Clara Isabel Serrano and Sérgio Neto, CEIS20-UC researchers.