The 6th International Conference on Games and Mobile Learning (EJML'2024) will take place on 24 and 25 May. This event is of great importance for the academic and educational community.

Held entirely online, the congress promises to be a space for discussion and exchange of experiences on the use of games and mobile technology in the learning process. Through conferences, papers and testimonials, participants will have the opportunity to explore the latest trends and practices in the use of these tools in the classroom. In addition, participants will be able to attend up to four workshops covering a range of topics from teaching strategies to the use of artificial intelligence in education.

Register here

24 MAY

14:00 – Opening session

14:30 - Workshops

16:15 – Conference on "A Utilização de Jogos Sérios e Inteligência Artificial como Ferramentas Educativas - Prof. Doutor Vítor Carvalho" (The use of serious games and artificial intelligence as educational tools – by Prof. Vítor Carvalho)

17:15 – Coffee-break

17:30 – Paper presentation

18:30 - Workshops

25 MAY

09:00 - Workshops

10:30 - Coffee-break

10:45 - Paper presentations

11:45 - Coffee-break

12:00 – Conference on "Teachers and machines: Considering the role of AI in education" – Prof. Sarah Howard and Prof. Jo Tondeur

13:00 - Coffee-break

14:00 - Workshops

15:45 - Paper presentations

17:15 – Coffee-break

17:30 - Paper presentations

18:45 - Paper presentations

19:45 – Closing session