30 September 2019, UC Institute for Interdisciplinary Research

The main objective of the colloquium “Sustainable entrepreneurship: how trade agreements can promote human rights and the environment” is to discuss the main issues on the European agenda in relation to international trade.


13:30 | Welcome

14:00 | Opening session

  • With the presence of Isabel Maria Freitas Valente (Research Group on Europeanism, Atlanticism and Globalisation do CEIS20-UC); Bruno Monarca (Media Entrepreneur); António Manuel Rochette Cordeiro (CEIS20-UC); Pedro Valente da Silva (European Parliament in Portugal); Cláudia Cavadas (Vice-Rector of UC).

14:30 | Opening conference

  • Speaker – Vital Moreira (FDUC).


15:30 | Sustainable Development Goals: at the centre of the European Union’s international agreements

  • With testimonies from Pedro Silva Pereira (EP Vice-President and member of the Committee on International Trade) and Alexandre Soveral Martins (FDUC / IJ/ IDET).


16:30 | Coffee break

17:00 | Entrepreneurship: companies, human rights, and from antagonism to cooperation

  • Plenary session: Filipe Almeida (Portugal Inovação Social)
  • Round-table Mafalda Evangelista (BCSD Portugal); Isabel Gomes (SRAM); Sérgio Simões (Bluepharma); Idalino Leão (Fed / Agros)


18:45 | Conclusions and closing of the session

  • With the presence of Alexandra Aragão (FDUC / IJ) and José Augusto Mendes Ferreira (FCTUC / III-UC / CMUC).

19h15 | Complimentary Port

Admission is free, but subject to registration.