What kind of interdisciplinary research is carried out at CEIS20? How does the work of our scientific and artistic community fit into interdisciplinary practices, perspectives and agendas? In order to take stock of the interdisciplinary history and current practices of CEIS20, we invite our community of integrated researchers and doctoral students to share with their peers the interdisciplinary scope of the research they are undertaking, whether individually, collaboratively or as part of projects and networks. The initiative is eminently heuristic in nature and aims to sound out researchers on how their research interests require interdisciplinary practices and perspectives (in progress or already explored), in order to better inform the characterisation of the Centre in the ongoing evaluation process, and at the same time to lay the foundations for future reflection and discussion on the models of interdisciplinarity developed at CEIS20.

The aim is for the papers to be informal and short, so that they can be distributed in roundtable sessions. Expressions of interest must be sent by 12 November using the form available.

The final programme will be published by 15 November 2023.