24 and 25 February | IESC, Mato Grosso, Brazil

CEIS20 researcher Nuno Coelho will participate in the Serra Acima Multidisciplinary Conference to be held in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, 24 and 25 February 2023, with a presentation on the first day of the event entitled “O papel das artes na (des)construção de discursos sobre Escravatura, Colonialismo e Racismo na sala de aula, em Portugal” (The role of the arts in the (deconstruction of discourses on slavery, colonialism and racism in the classroom in Portugal). The theme of the 10th anniversary of the conference will be “Africa, Slavery, Abolition and Racism in the Classroom” and is aimed at teachers from public schools in Chapada dos Guimarães. The event is organised by IESC – Instituto de Estudos Socioculturais de Chapada dos Guimarães.

Click here to see the full programme.