23 to 25 January | Online + FLUC

CEIS20, through the Digital Humanities Group, is co-organising the 32nd edition of the BOBCATSSS Congress on “Information Profession and Sustainable Development”. This will be a hybrid event – online and in-person – held at FLUC on 23 to 25 January.

The BOBCATSSS congresses have been held annually since 1993 and usually bring together the scientific, academic and professional community of information science. This year’s event has nearly 260 participants (56 online and 202 in-person), including 112 speakers from 25 countries, who will present around 90 papers, with five keynote speakers and six workshops.

The BOBCATSSS congresses are a privileged forum for information science researchers, teachers and young researchers, promoting the meeting of generations and the discussion of issues relevant to information science. This year’s theme is sustainable development.

Information professionals – librarians, archivists, documentalists, information managers and others – play a vital role in promoting sustainable development by acting as catalysts for change. Through their commitment to the dissemination of knowledge, social justice and innovation, information professionals promote positive change and help to build a more sustainable and inclusive world.

BOBCATSSS is the acronym for the names of the cities of the schools of information science that founded the European Association for Library & Information Education and Research (EUCLID) in the early 1990s: Budapest, Oslo, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Tampere, Sheffield, Stuttgart and Szombathely.

This year’s meeting is organised by the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information of the Faculty of Arts and by CEIS20 – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP-Marília), Brazil, and the University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT), in Sofia, Bulgaria.

CEIS20’s contribution included the involvement of the integrated members of the Digital Humanities Group: Ana Lúcia Terra, Anabela Fernandes, Liliana Gomes, Manuela Barreto Nunes, Maria Cristina Freitas, Maria do Carmo Dias, Maria Manuel Borges and Maria Manuela Cardoso. In addition, students from the PhD in Information Science actively participated in the organisation of the event, including some who are already collaborating members of CEIS20, such as Ana Luísa Silva, Beatriz Barrocas Ferreira and Dalbert Oliveira.

See the full programme on the event website.